Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Let's Have a Conversation

I am convinced that one of the most undervalued available relationship tools is deep, thoughtful and engaging conversation with another person.   The topic can be anything like politics, religion, sports, weather, philosophy, fishing, golf, parenting, cars, computers, so forth and so on.  I hope that I can discuss just about anything within reason with another person who is committed to maintaining mutual respect around ideas, culture, and values. 

Today I had the blessing of having a lengthy discussion around some deep political issues that have surfaced in our country and the conversation was with a person with whom I have a fair amount of difference of opinion in some cases.  In other cases there was some real common ground with the person.  Either way working at a back and forth, civil and thoughtful conversation around important topics is an easy way to increase quality of life.  I find that I become a better person as I understand another’s views while also trying to articulate my own ideas in a clear way that the other appreciates. 

Conversation takes time.  It takes grace.  It takes a commitment to understand another person.  It is giving dignity and respect.  It makes my world richer.  Hopefully it enriches the life of the other person too.  For me, deep conversation offers so much to gain in the areas of ideas, spirituality, and relationships with others.   

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