Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Opportunities and Growth

Fear is good—sometimes.   I continually face new challenges at work and in life.  I have learned to engage the challenge and to move boldly forward into the experience.  Perfection is never the goal.  The greatest MLB baseball batting average is around .360 (Ty Cobb).  That’s a hit once every three at bats.  The goal is to do one’s best with the gifts and knowledge that one has to bring to a challenge.   Making a difference by showing true care, lovingkindness, and even courage will usually be enough.  Perfection may come or it may not happen. The goal is to step up to the plate and do one’s best.    The only thing to fear is fear itself as one wise person said many years ago.   Good luck and blessings to you and to me as life gives us great opportunities to live, to love, to challenge, and to show courage in the midst of adversity.  Amen.