Monday, October 10, 2016

Blessing Your City: Post "Hurricane Matthew"

Jeremiah 29:7 But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.

Hurricane Matthew just blew a path of destruction through Haiti, Cuba, and other Caribbean countries, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and eventually North Carolina.  All of us live in our own countries and our cities.   Through the years some cities become more near and dear to our hearts.  Some cities we are glad to leave watching them from one’s rear view car mirror.  Which city is closest to your heart?  Which city do your truly care about and work for its welfare?  I am challenged by the above scripture to work for the welfare of my own city.  Today that would be the cities of Columbia-Irmo.

Here is a list of cities where I have lived as a teenager and adult:

King of Prussia, PA
San Antonio, TX
San Angelo, TX
West Chester, PA
Fort Worth, TX
Summerville, SC
Dallas, NC
Columbia-Irmo, SC

Each of the above places, cities and population has been unique and special for me.  Most of them are large cities but Dallas and Summerville are the two smaller towns.  I have tried to put down roots in each place and I have worked to be helpful to the larger community.  In some cases it was obvious that the city was more of way station on my spiritual path to the next place.  For example, I lived in Fort Worth as a seminary student and never intended to stay there afterwards.

My daughter Heather went to college in Spartanburg, SC.  They call the city “Sparkle City” because it is so clean.  They also call it Hub City because of all the railroads that run through it.  Most importantly Heather has consistently talked, tweeted, texted, and posted on Face Book all of the ways she values the city and how she has helped make it better.  Even last week while working at USC-Upstate she helped college students and others get registered to vote for the 2016 general election.  She is also involved and supportive of urban gardens.  She is truly integrated into the work and social life of the city. She is committed to Spartanburg’s welfare and it is truly inspirational to me.  

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