Sunday, November 29, 2015

20 Something: Growing Up Emotionally and Spiritually is not for the Faint of Heart


My adult children are now ages 26, 24, 21, and 19.    I recently shared with them that some of my most challenging and difficult days in life were in my 20’s.  I left home at the young age of 18 and have been gone ever since after joining the US Air Force right out of high school. It was a good way but a hard way to grow up—quickly.   I struggled to work through relationship building, spiritual connectedness, relating to parents and in-laws and finding my way in and through the emerging ministry world that I was entering.   I have attempted to relay some of my struggle so that my kids and even others their age can know the normalcy of growing pains as a twenty-something.  I can even say that my most challenging decades of my life were my 20’s and 30’s. 

The past year I have talked with my mother (age 76) about the role and job of a grandparent.  I wonder about that role having not yet entered into it but I certainly hope to do so one day.  I suggested to my mom that grandparents have many roles but one important one is helping and guiding their grandchildren as much as the kids want and as much as grandparents are invited to do so.  It’s a great mix.  Elder wisdom meets younger adults looking to explore their world with great energy while having a foundation that anchors each young adult to faith, family, and elder wisdom. 

Let it be known that grandkids don’t always stay age 2.  I know that sounds obvious but it is an important point.  They are cute but they also grow up and need a new kind of grandparent wisdom, direction, and even spiritual guidance.   Influence is earned and invited as people trust and love one another.  I am very blessed to have four young adults and one living grandparent even as I write today.  All of my grandparents are now gone yet their influence (some more than others) stays with me.  It’s up to the young adults and grandparents of the world to connect, encourage and learn from each other.  What a great challenge with such promise and gift.  It will probably not be easy but most things worth earning are not easy to attain or achieve and twenty-somethings connecting with grandparents is probably one of those. 

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