Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Body and Soul: Creating a Life of Integrity

The other day I asked a couple of our emergency department radiological technicians if the CT SCAN machine can detect the patient’s soul in the CT.  I said it in a joking manner to lighten the moment of a usually stressful work environment.  I work at a large, downtown academic medical center that is a level 1 trauma center.  It is very common for patients to have a CT following a car accident or other traumatic event. 

This week is Pastoral Care Week and the theme is “Pastoral Care Together.” The theme is all about health care workers assessing and meeting the spiritual and pastoral care needs of patients, families, and staff.   All clinicians are empowered to assess spiritual needs of families and to call upon the chaplains and clergy to help meet those needs.  It is a shared work.  Together we meet the physical and spiritual needs of patients. 

In Genesis 1:31, we read:   “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.”  This is one of my favorite verses because the created order, and especially human beings, are declared “Very Good.”  I affirm this important idea because we are amazing physiological and spiritual beings.  It is amazing that the body works and performs in an effective and efficient manner.  Humans can run, analyze data, create art, and learn new things every day.  Yet, that is not the whole story.  The narrative of humanity also includes living faithfully as persons who can offer unconditional love, forgiveness, mercy, friendship, and hospitality to strangers, family members, hospital patients and friends.  Living is more than just a physical experience or just a spiritual experience.  I propose that we continue to cherish and tend to our bodies and our souls as one.  In our human “oneness” and integrity we truly find and become fully spiritual and fully human and it’s an amazing way to live.  You are truly Very Good!

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