The Sky pilot blesses his people. His prayers are from the heart. His prayers come from his soul. His prayers are given with all of his efforts, for who knows, the Holy One may answer! Fear is a two way street. The Sky pilot (chaplain) is sometimes just as fearful as those with whom he visits and offers prayer. His words are his heartfelt attempt to tell them God is with them, even in death. The parents at home are just as scared as the Sky pilot and the soldiers going off to war. All prayers are true to the Sky pilot’s heart and work. Whether the prayer is liturgical, extemporaneous, or mumbled, the Sky pilot still prays and still whispers the words, “God will be with you.” Prayers are offered for ALL WAR TO END. Even so, the prayers sometime feel unanswered and death seems to gain the victory. Yet, continual meditation and prayers are the way to victory for the Sky pilot and the soldiers and airmen. The Sky pilot wants the soldiers to find courage and he is sometimes the inspiration for others to go on, sometimes in fighting and sometimes in humble acceptance of God’s will and humanity’s will. Even the faithful Sky pilot needs rest and prayer, and so do the soldiers and airmen. Rest that only God can give. Rest to believe and to hope and to live faithfully in the middle of troubles. Sometimes service to God and to country supersede service to family and friends, even if the end goal may be uncertain. After all, no one knows for sure if one will reach the sky. At times, death happens and one soldier kills another and the Sky pilot has to find the words of love and care. Yes, it’s a holy mission for holy men and women. We need more Sky pilots. Will you pray? Will you help the dying? Will you love in the midst of hate? If so, you are a band of brothers and sisters called Sky pilots. Welcome to the Call and the Sky!
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