The world renowned musician Adele has one of the most powerful voices I have ever heard—ever. It is deep, strong, and moves the listener to feel the music as much as hear it.
Yet, the real strength in Adele’s music is the message sometimes. Her song “Hello” is one which we need to hear more. It is one that we need to act on too. When is the last time you or I have said “Hello” to someone and sought to meet him or her and sought to know that person a more real, personal way? Her song for me is a spiritually and emotionally moving invitation to connect with others and to open myself to the life of other human beings.
Our lives are governed by the clock. No one knows how much time he or she has on this earth. Is there someone who you want to call, text, or email? Maybe you will be the one who reaches out and makes the first step of communication. Maybe your “hello” will be the start of something deeper.
Working in a hospital has been a constant reminder to me that it is always dangerous to “read the book by judging the cover.” Sometimes the content of the book is anything but what the cover is revealing or showing. Instead, the cover is just that. It’s a façade, a first impression, and superficial picture of what is deep down in the heart and soul of a person. One of the most hurtful things that a person can experience are the bias and prejudgment based on looks, religion, race, ethnicity, gender and so on. I would like to think that a simple “Hello...” can be the starting point of making deeper connection with others and with God. I want to be a person who says “Hello” even more so now and I hope that it will lead to deep connections with new and old friends that touch on emotions, thinking, and spirituality.
So, today, I share a heartfelt “HELLO” to you as you read this blog. Feel free to say something back. I am always interested knowing readers of this blog in a more deeper way. Here’s a link to the song if you need it.
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