Sunday, July 5, 2020

Corona Chronicles Part IV: Buying the Second Round of Toilet Paper in Bulk!

Well, I knew it would happen. I finally ran low on the first round of toilet paper that I bought with many others sometime in the beginning of April 2020. I live alone, well with Lucy too, and it probably took me longer to run through this first round compared to some people and families. Either way, I bit the bullet and went to Kroger this morning and bought round 2 of the great toilet paper American buyout!

I believe I may be the only person to ever go into Costco just two times. That is the truth. I believe both times I went hesitantly. I admit that I am at an age where “less is more” makes a whole lot of sense these days. I have never been a “buy in bulk” consumer, at all! But, fear not, I have an appreciation for those of you who are and who save a lot of money. More power to you! I like saving money, too, but honestly, buying 96 rolls of toilet paper to save money just does not appeal to me. I prefer to live day to day, going with what I need. Yes, it can be a hard way to live when there is no sugar in the cupboard. So, let me just concede the point. Having enough of the basics, i.e. sugar, eggs, TP, is commendable and can be an easier way to live.

So, the need and urge to buy in bulk is one of the ways that the COVID19 pandemic has caused change for many of us. Today, I bought round 2 of my bulk toilet paper. I was pleasantly surprised that Kroger had their cheap name brand and I happily put it into the bottom of my cart because that’s where bulk stuff fits with the junior shopping carts that I like to use.

The pandemic has caused a lot of change. Here is where I am at the present time. I like the adage, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” It is a saying that I have regularly pondered in my life, at times, when I needed to reach down deep and move ahead amidst struggle and trials. Facing challenges is a matter of going through them and realistically acknowledging the struggle of “pressing through” and “onward.” This is a basic life principle of mine. It is a matter of discovering one’s max performance or if you prefer, knowing where the “red line” exists. Let me illustrate. Most cars can rev their engine as high as maybe 6,000 RPM but that is about it and only for a short period. At some point the engine will blow and shutdown. That is the red line and the warning line. Well, COVID19 is pushing most of us to discover the red lines in life. Where are the limits and maximums? What can I honestly do and achieve in a day’s work? Where do I need to ask for help? These are good questions. Some of these questions I am asking myself even daily.

So, you are not alone. Most of us have probably bought round 2 of bulk TP. Have you? Most have probably hit or neared a few life “red lines.” It is just where we are right now. So, let us remember that we all have limits and eventually we run out of resources and we must recharge, refuel, recalibrate, and pray again. May we have the wisdom and grace to know when to step back and reconsider the challenges that lay ahead. Then, let us be careful to avoid burnout and overheating. In the end, we all must reload and recharge, refresh, and renew the lives we are living. May you be blessed as you navigate COVID19 challenges and this very uncommon season of life. Happy shopping at Costco, too!

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