Wednesday, January 11, 2017

How Much Education and Experience? Jump In Now.

If one is not careful, myself included, it would be easy to say “I’m not ready to do such and such until I have the right education, right experience, right boss, right job location, right office location, etc.”  I want to challenge that idea for me and for you.  Why not just jump in and do what you can with what you have and then worry about the next degree, the next training class, or getting the right job and location before challenging yourself to new tasks and new learning?  Maybe you are ready.  Maybe the time has come, like the musician Meatloaf sang, “Put me in coach, I’m ready to play…”  Now, don’t get me wrong because I do think we need minimal education levels and standards.  Yet, there are times when the clock is ticking and time is running out.  We only have today and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  So, as you begin this New Year, I invite you to join me to “Jump in” and tackle some new work goals and some tasks that have learning curves, even big curves.  Maybe you and others and I are ready to move forward with challenging ourselves to try out some new things.  I think so and I am wishing everyone the courage to do so.  Time is short or at the least we are on the clock. 

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