Friday, September 23, 2016


Old Man take a look at my life, I'm a lot like you. That's what Neil Young sang.

Jesus called us to follow him and to become like God. That's what Jesus said.
Yet becoming somewhat like dad or mom means I have become a little something that I never expected.
Becoming involves destiny and genes, culture and powerful stories, which all hide deep in my soul.

Becoming is a hidden work. It shows me my genetic history and my living story that are layered like the earth's crust.

Becoming a little like dad or mom is rather unexpected.  It's ok and I want to become who I am meant to be.

Like dad and mom, it was meant to be.  How could it not be?  It was set in the code even before I knew me.

Old man take a look at my life, I'm a lot like you. O God, take a look at my life, may I be more like you.


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