Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Holy Conversation with God

A Holy Conversation with God

Our Father who art in heaven, (Lord, are you really there?)

Hallowed be thy name.  (I know it is YHWH and Jesus, but that is confusing sometimes.)

Thy Kingdom come, (Is it real or just imaginary?)

Thy will be done, (God’s will and my will, now that is one complicated mess.)

On earth as it is in heaven.  (Lord you know we need more of heaven to come to earth.)

Give us this day, (Lord, I hope to make it to age 88 but not sure I will.)

Our daily bread. (It is so not right that kids are starving around the world.)

And forgive us our trespasses, (It is amazing how easy feelings and attitudes get hurt).

As we forgive those who trespass against us.  (Forgiveness is easier said than done.)

And lead us not into temptation, (It seems that temptation is everywhere.)

But deliver us from evil.  (Why does evil trump goodness sometimes?)

For thine is the kingdom, and the power and glory, forever.  (Yes, I believe.  Forever.)

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