Looking for a relevant topic for my blog I have come back to "parenting." As a father of four grown adults it has become continuing clear to me that kids need lots of freedom to explore their talents. They need ways to try out new options: some may want to play sports, some want to play a musical instrument, and others want to become computer geeks. All of these options become ways for kids to discover who they are as God created beings. Kids need freedom and assurance to discover their passions in life and what they can do and be as a contributing member of society.
Parenting is a marathon and and not a 100 yard dash. So, it's not uncommon for kids to weave right and then left and then make a 180 turn. It's part of growing up. Here is my best wisdom. Talk with them about what they like, what they want to explore, what they find rewarding and then work to set up opportunities for them to become a more fully developed and integrated young person and eventual adult. Maybe most important, resist the opportunity to create "mini-me's" and let them become themselves. This approach will empower them with the freedom to explore life and to own their choices and eventually become fully responsible for themselves. It's a good way to help kids to become autonomous and accountable and it's a win-win for kids and parents and even larger society. This approach can be helpful for kids to be happy and well-adjusted as they discover their true selves.